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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Need Assessment Study on People Living with HIV/AIDS

Optimizing and sustaining adequate care and support services to People Living with HIV / AIDS (PLHA) remains a cornerstone intervention in implementing HIV services. The present study tries to capture the support obtained and required by PLHA reporting to an Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) center of Central India. Besides this the study also analyses the compliance to treatment of PLHA on ART,counseling received, the disclosure rates, stigma and discrimination faced and the extent of involvement of PLHA in community work related to HIV. The study tries to offer possible solutions to the existing gaps and suggest actionable recommendations to further streamline the services rendered to PLHA by Governmental and Non Governmental organizations.

Студенту на заметку:
Почему стоит учиться в США?

Обучение в Италии. Признание диплома.