Орел никогда не терял напрасно так много времени, как тогда, когда согласился учиться у вороны.
У. Блэйк

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Intracranial Space-Occupying Lesions

Opportunistic infections are the common complications of the advanced immunodeficiency with HIV infection.Neurological disorders are the first manifestations of AIDS in approximately 10% to 20% of the symptomatic HIV infection.The most common intracranial space-occupying lesions in HIV patients are cerebral toxoplasmosis,Tuberculoma,Cryptococcoma, Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma and Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).There are a great many intricacies involved in the diagnosis,investigative modalities and treatment of the patients with Intracranial Space-occupying lesions in HIV/AIDS.The patients are at the risk of developing further complications which might lead to death.This book,therefore,vividly highlights all the aspects of these disorders starting from their clinical manifestations, investigative and treatment modalities and also puts a thrust upon the preventive measures that should be adopted so as to ensure the longevity of the patients.It is the fervent desire of the author that this book would serve as a beacon of hope for all the sections of the society with particular emphasis upon the needs of the youth,Professionals,students and the patients.

Студенту на заметку:
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