Ученость - единственное, что в нас божественно и бессмертно; величайшие преимущества, которыми одарена человеческая природа, это разум и речь.

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New Trends For Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Petroleum Field

The guidelines given in this book provide important information on the corrosion and corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in petroleum field. Initially, the book provides the information about corrosion definition, rust formation, corrosion costs, corrosion in petroleum field and corrosion forms. The book also presents different and recent types of the corrosion sensors in general and in particular in petroleum field. The book gives comprehensive picture about the standard practices for corrosion control, with highlighting the recent trends. In addition, it summarized the corrosion inhibition mechanism in different media. Recent and novel inhibitors in the field of corrosion inhibition are reviewed and are presented according to the area of application of the inhibitors. A brief overview of recent literature focusing on the corrosion and corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in petroleum is also included

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