На вопрос, как ученикам преуспеть, Аристотель ответил: "Догонять тех, кто впереди, и не ждать тех, кто сзади".

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Garland F. Sommer

Buying Used Vehicles

Книга по Требованию, 2007
Страниц: 72
Buying used vehicles sounds like a simple task that most every adult in America has done in their lifetime. This is true except for the fact that in today's inflationary times, a vehicle may well be the second largest purchase a person makes next to their home. What is truly amazing is the very little thought and research typically done by today's average vehicle buyer. Most people go out on a Sunday afternoon and in the space of a few hours, sign a contract for anywhere from $20,000-$50,000. This is of course assuming that they decide to buy something new instead of "pre owned". This book is designed to assist the average buyer into the wonderful world of used vehicle purchasing. The ideal of buying used is very frightening to many Americans. The fact is that "buying somebody else's troubles" is reminiscent of many people's attitude. I submit that with the help of a book such as this, a buyer can get a vehicle that will last for many years for a fraction of the cost of buying new....
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