И радость, и утешение - в науках.
Плиний Младший

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Robert McKee

Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting

Regan Books, 1997
Страниц: 480
Writing for the screen is quirky business. A writer must labor meticulously over his or her prose, yet very little of that prose is ever heard by filmgoers. The few words that do reach the audience, in the form of the characters' dialogue, are, according to Robert McKee, best left to last in the writing process. ("As Alfred Hitchcock once remarked, 'When the screenplay has been written and the dialogue has been added, we're ready to shoot.' ") In Story, McKee puts into book form what he has been teaching screenwriters for years in his seminar on story structure, which is considered by many to be a prerequisite to the film biz. (The long list of film and television projects that McKee's students have written, directed, or produced includes Air Force One, The Deer Hunter, E.R., A Fish Called Wanda, Forrest Gump, NYPD Blue, and Sleepless in Seattle.) Legions of writers flock to Hollywood in search of easy money, calculating the best way to get rich quick. This book is not for them. McKee...
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Когда встает вопрос о поиске няни, не спешите брать на работу первую попавшуюся кандидатуру. Это очень ответственный шаг.

Правильный выбор бизнес-школы
На сегодняшний день в мире насчитывается порядка пяти тысяч программ МВА. Поэтому если вы решили получить степень магистра делового администрирования (МВА) нужно для начала определиться с выбором «своей» единственной программ.