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A Feast of Learning

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 208
This book provides perspectives from authors in six countries (Canada, Colombia, Germany, France, UK, USA) pertaining to adult learning in the 21st Century. This book grew out of an exciting International Conference on Adult Learning (ICAL) held in Paris, May 27-29, 2012. Imagine "listening in" as these international scholars, representing expertise in various areas related to adult education, focus their collective attention to the topic of adult learning. Their task is to concentrate their research and intellectual acumen on where adult learning is heading in the 21st Century and to bring together their varied areas of expertise to expand the field of adult education's knowledge base. This book provides more than a record of their papers and meetings. Instead, each author has revised their paper with symposium feedback to help capture the discussion, synergy and growing knowledge base we envision together. Now you can read how these leading scholars understand adult learning in...
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