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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Strategic Organization Development Managing Change for Success (PB)

Книга по Требованию, 2009
Страниц: 322
This book addresses one of the most complex and important issues for management and organization development today - how to plan for and create an organization capable of not only competing but excelling in an almost impossibly turbulent and uncertain environment. The book brings together a series of articles by practitioner-scholars who have the responsibility for helping their organizations create the future. Contributors also have the responsibility of helping us conceptually understand the process of Strategic OD. In this book, you can sense the value of two perspectives - the practitioner and the scholar. Authors include OD executives from global Fortune 500 organizations, major community service organizations, major academic contributors in the field, and OD practitioners from major consulting firms. Each author makes a unique contribution by providing strategies for planning the future, implementing change, and creating organizational capabilities for sustained success....
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