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А. Суворов

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Innovative Approaches to Reducing Global Poverty (PB)

Книга по Требованию, 2007
Страниц: 260
This book presents many innovative approaches to reducing poverty through business commitment involvement, and leadership. Some of these approaches may look promising now at their current level of success but will turn out to be limited in their scalability or in their ability to sustain themselves and endure over time. However, all of them offer fruitful grounds for inquiry and learning. It is our intention that sharing the learning from these projects and initiatives from around the world will be useful to others committed to assisting the poor in escaping from poverty - especially by bringing the poor into productive business activities. It is also our intention that these experiences stimulate ideas for new directions that build upon and go beyond the rich variety of projects and successes described by the authors in this book. The book supports C K. Prahalad's work made available in a number of ways including his very influential book The Fortune at the Bottom ofthe Pyramid:...
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