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Г. Флобер

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Brian Findsen

Lifelong Learning in Later Life

Книга по Требованию, 2011
Страниц: 238
Lifelong learning in later life is an essential handbook for a wide range of people who work alongside older adults in varied contexts. While no single book can make claim to comprehensiveness, this interdisciplin¬ary publication builds on important earlier work in lifelong learning and social gerontology, presenting a full range of perspectives on what it means to be an older learner in contemporary societies. This hand¬book brings together both orthodox approaches to educational gerontology and fresh perspectives on important emerging issues faced by seniors around the globe. This book is not a "how to" manual of how to work effectively with older people for educational purposes. While it includes principles and analysis of philosophical assumptions underpinning older adult learning, its prime objective is to critically examine conventional knowledge about why, what and how older people learn. It springs from a desire to benchmark previous work, to explore new territories of...
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