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Jesse Russell

Boden Professor of Sanskrit election, 1860

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 121
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The election in 1860 for the position of Boden Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Oxford was a hotly contested affair between two rival candidates offering different approaches to Sanskrit scholarship. One was Monier Williams, an Oxford-educated Englishman who had spent 14 years teaching Sanskrit to those preparing to work in British India for the East India Company. The other, Max Muller, was a German-born lecturer at Oxford specialising in comparative philology, the science of language. He had spent many years working on an edition of the Rig Veda (an ancient collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns), and had gained an international reputation for his scholarship. Williams, in contrast, worked on later material and had little time for the "continental" school of Sanskrit scholarship that Muller exemplified. Williams regarded the study of Sanskrit as a means to an end, namely the conversion of India to Christianity. For Muller, his work,...

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