Жажда знания, как и жажда богатства, усиливается по мере того, как мы все больше приобретаем.
Л. Стерн

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Jesse Russell

International reaction to the 2009 Honduran coup d'etat

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 127
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! International reaction to the 2009 Honduran coup d'etat of June 28, 2009, was that the coup was widely repudiated around the globe. All Latin American nations (with the exception of Honduras itself), as well as the United States, United Nations, and others, publicly condemned the military-led ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya as illegal and most labelled it a coup d'etat. The Obama administration, along with all other governments in the hemisphere, branded the action a "coup." Every country in the region, except the United States, withdrew their ambassadors from Honduras. All EU ambassadors were withdrawn from the country. Venezuela said it would suspend oil shipments, and Honduras's neighbors — El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua - stopped overland trade for 48 hours. The World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank paused lending to Honduras. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений, находящихся в свободном доступе...
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