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Jesse Russell

Tequila, Jalisco

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 114
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Santiago de Tequila (Spanish pronunciation: , Nahuatl: Tequillan, Tecuila "place of tribute") is a town and municipality located in the state of Jalisco about 60 km from the city of Guadalajara. Tequila is best known as being the birthplace of the drink that bears its name, “tequila,” which is made from the blue agave plant, native to this area. The heart of the plant contains sugars and had been used by native peoples here to make a fermented drink. After the Spanish arrived, they took this fermented beverage and distilled it, producing the tequila known today. The popularity of the drink and the history behind it has made town and the area surrounding it a World Heritage Site. It was also named a "Pueblo Magico" (Magical Town) in 2003 by the Mexican federal government. Tequila has also been famous for being the prime setting in the successful Televisa telenovela Destilando Amor, starring Angelica Rivera and Eduardo Yanez. Данное издание...
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