Тот, кто щеголяет эрудицией или ученостью, не имеет ни того, ни другого.
Хемингуэй Э.

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Jesse Russell

History of the Kruger National Park

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 101
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In 1898, the Sabi Game Reserve was proclaimed by the South African Republic. The reserve covered an area of 1 210 000 morgen equivalent to 10,364 square kilometres (4,002 sq mi). Before any effective management could take over, the South African War broke out the following year. After the occupation of the Transvaal by British forces, Captain H. F. Francis was appointed as the first Warden of the Sabi Game Reserve in 1901. However, he was killed in action a month later, at the end of July 1901. A former prospector, W. M. Walker, was then appointed as the second Warden on 24 October 1901. He was dismissed at the end of January 1902 after proving to be a dismal failure in the post. Finally, the new British administration appointed James Stevenson-Hamilton as Warden of the reserve in July 1902. To assist him in his duties, the new Warden started appointing the first game rangers. Each one was given the responsibility of a section of the...
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