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Jesse Russell

History of Panama (1821–1903)

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 115
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In 1819, Panama was technically liberated and freed as a part of New Granada, which gained its freedom in the independence movement that clinched the liberation of New Granada (Colombia) from Spain. Panama, would remain as a royalist stronghold and outpost until 1821. Panama City immediately initiated plans to declare independence, but the city of Los Santos preempted the move by proclaiming freedom from Spain on November 10, 1821. This act precipitated a meeting in Panama City on November 28, which is celebrated as the official date of independence. Considerable discussion followed as to whether Panama should remain part of Colombia (then comprising both the present-day country and Venezuela) or unite with Peru. The bishop of Panama, a native Peruvian who realized the commercial ties that could be developed with his country, argued for the latter solution but was voted down. A third possible course of action, a union with Mexico proposed...
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