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Jesse Russell

Battle of the Frontiers

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 176
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Battle of the Frontiers was a series of battles fought along the eastern frontier of France and in southern Belgium shortly after the outbreak of World War I. The battles represented a collision between the military strategies of the French Plan XVII and the German Schlieffen Plan. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) fought a relatively minor battle at Mons, which, by virtue of its position facing the critical right wing of the invading German army, had a significance that far exceeded the number of men engaged or casualties inflicted. The defeat of the French offensive in the Battle of the Ardennes led to a general retreat to the Marne River where the French and British forces regrouped for the defense of Paris. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений, находящихся в свободном доступе в среде Интернет в целом, и в информационном сетевом ресурсе "Википедия" в частности. Собранная по частотным запросам указанной тематики,...
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