Ученье - свет, а неученье - тьма. Дело мастера боится, и коль крестьянин не умеет сохою владеть - хлеб не родится.
Суворов А. В.

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Jesse Russell

Prenatal and perinatal psychology

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 100
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Prenatal and perinatal psychology is an interdisciplinary study of the foundations of health in body, mind, emotions and in enduring response patterns to life. It explores the psychological and psychophysiological effects and implications of the earliest experiences of the individual, before birth ("prenatal"), as well as during and immediately after childbirth ("perinatal") on the health and learning ability of the individual and on their relationships. As a broad field it has developed a variety of curative and preventive interventions for the unborn, at childbirth, for the newborn, infants and adults who are adversely affected by early prenatal and perinatal dysfunction and trauma. Some of these methods have not been without significant controversy, for example homebirth in the West and in earlier days, LSD psychotherapy for resolving birth trauma. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений, находящихся в свободном доступе в...
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