Если я знаю, что знаю мало, я добьюсь того, чтобы знать больше.
Ленин В.И.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russell

Sandu Florea

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 134
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Sandu Florea (Romanian pronunciation: ; born 28 June 1946) is a Romanian-American comic book and comic strip creator, also known as an inker and book illustrator. A trained architect and a presence on the science fiction scene during the 1970s, he became a professional in the comics genre with albums such as Galbar, and was allegedly the only artist to have obtained a steady income in this way during the communist period. A prolific contributor to Romanian children's magazines, Florea had his activity curbed by communist censorship when he first publicized his intention of emigrating to the United States. He eventually left the country shortly after the 1989 Revolution, and soon after began collaborating with Marvel, DC Comics and other leading enterprises in the field of comic book publishing. He became especially noted for his activities as an inker, with contributions on series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Executioner, X-Men: The...
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Все нормальные люди понимают, что воспитывать детей обязаны их родители, но почему-то именно школа за это несёт ответственность.

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Зная школьную нелюбовь к посещению уроков физкультуры, во многих вузах студентам этот предмет может сыграть не самую последнюю роль. Те, кто активно занимаются спортом, отстаивают честь заведения на городских, российских или даже международных состязаниях, находятся на особом счету.