Наука в развращенном человеке есть лютое оружие делать зло. Просвещение возвышает одну добродетельную душу.
Фонвизин Д. И.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russell

Systems Centered Therapy

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 105
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Systems-Centered Therapy (SCT) is a particular form of group therapy based on the Theory of Living Human Systems developed by Dr. Yvonne Agazarian. The theory postulates that living human systems survive, develop, and transform from simple to complex through discriminating and integrating information. Corresponding to the small and rigorously defined set of concepts, SCT defines a set of methods, techniques and instruments. SCT practitioners use these with individuals, couples and groups to explore the experience of their differences and work with these to integrate them. Using the method of functional subgrouping, these living human systems increase their ability to see both sides of their issues and resolve them productively. The theory was first developed in Agazarian's 1997 book, Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups, and grew out of her earlier work in group psychotherapy under the influence of such figures as W. R. Bion and John Bowlby...
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