Даже в обществе двух человек я непременно найду, чему у них поучиться. Достоинствам их я постараюсь подражать, а на их недостатках сам буду учиться.

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Jesse Russell

Economy of Virginia

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 122
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Economy of Virginia is well balanced with diverse sources of income. From the Hampton Roads area to Richmond and down to Lee County in the southwest includes military installations, cattle, tobacco and peanut farming in Southside Virginia. Tomatoes recently surpassed soy as the most profitable crop in Virginia. Tobacco, peanuts and hay are also important agricultural products from the commonwealth.Wineries and vineyards in the Northern Neck and along the Blue Ridge Mountains also have become increasingly popular. Northern Virginia (once considered the state's dairy capital) hosts software, communications, consulting, defense contracting, diplomats, and considerable components of the professional government sector. As of the 2000 census, Virginia had the highest number of counties and independent cities (15) in the top 100 wealthiest jurisdictions in the United States based upon median income, in addition, Virginia tied with Colorado as...
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Словари – необходимая составляющая при понимании другого языка. А для тех, кто занимается переводом профессионально, такие справочники являются инструментами его работы.