Учись так, как будто тебе предстоит жить вечно; живи так, как будто тебе предстоит умереть завтра.
С. Смайлс

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russell

Chicago film industry

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 105
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Chicago film industry is a central hub for motion picture production and exhibition that was established before Hollywood became the undisputed capital of film making. In the early 1900s, Chicago boasted the greatest number of production companies and filmmakers.Essanay Studios founded by George K. Spoor was one of the earliest successful studios to produce movies in Chicago, employing stars such as Charlie Chaplin and Gloria Swanson. Actor and co-founder of Essanay Studios "Broncho Billie" Anderson gave birth to the western genre. Early film companies such as Essanay Studios produced multiple silent films every week and rented viewing equipment to showcase the latest cinematography to the public. This rental culture gave birth to the popularity of Nickelodeons up until the Great Depression. However, due to the high demand for motion pictures during this time, a black market for films and equipment developed. The Motion Picture Patents...
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