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Jesse Russell

Sotho–Tswana peoples

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 103
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Sotho-Tswana people are part of Bantus speaking peoples who have settled in Southern Africa. In addition to the Batswana or 'Western Sotho', the Sotho-Tswana group includes the Basotho of Lesotho and the Orange Free State, to whom the term 'Sotho' has come to be more specifically and almost exclusively applied. This group is sometimes referred to as the 'Southern Sotho'. A third group comprises the Northern Sotho who at times have been incorrectly referred to as the Bapedi. These different groups together may be more conveniently described as 'Sotho-Tswana'. At the very earliest stage of their history, they shared a number of linguistic and cultural characteristics that distinguished them from other Bantu-speakers of southern Africa. These are features such as totemism, a pre-emptive right of men to marry their maternal cousins, and an architectural style characterised by a round hut with a conical thatch roof supported by wooden pillars...
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