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Jesse Russell

United States v. Riggs

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 105
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In United States v. Riggs, the government of the United States prosecuted Robert Riggs and Craig Neidorf for obtaining unauthorized access to and subsequently disseminating a file held on BellSouth's computers. The file, referred to as the E911 file, gave information regarding BellSouth's products implementing 911 emergency telephone services. This article focuses on the proceedings in the District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, where Riggs and Neidorf were both indicted on numerous charges relating to the dissemination of the E911 text file. As Riggs had previously been indicted in the Northern District of Georgia in relation to the same incident, his charges from Illinois were transferred to Georgia. Riggs ultimately pleaded guilty in Georgia and was sentenced to 21 months in prison and 2 years supervised release. Neidorf pleaded not guilty in Illinois and the government dropped all charges against Neidorf 4 days after the...
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