Мудрецы, мужи науки пробивают толщу знаний, Достигая вечной славы постоянством и дерзаньем.
Тагор Р.

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Jesse Russell

The Myth of God Incarnate

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 101
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Myth of God Incarnate is a book edited by John Hick and published by SCM Press in 1977. James Dunn, in a 1980 literature review of academic work on the incarnation, noted the "well-publicized symposium entitled The Myth of God Incarnate, including contributions on the NT from M. Goulder and F. Young, which provoked several responses". Two years later, in another literature review, R. T. France commented that "theology dropped out of the headlines again, until in 1977 the title, if not the contents, of The Myth of God Incarnate revived public interest". In the 21st century, The Daily Telegraph 2005 obituary for contributor Maurice Wiles (father of Andrew Wiles) described the book as "a highly controversial volume of essays". The controversy prompted a sequel, Incarnation and Myth: the Debate Continued (1979), edited by Michael Goulder, another contributor to the original volume. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений,...
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