Мудрецы, мужи науки пробивают толщу знаний, Достигая вечной славы постоянством и дерзаньем.
Тагор Р.

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Jesse Russell

Lewis Lehrman

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 108
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Lewis E. "Lew" Lehrman (born August 15, 1938 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) is an investment banker who actively supports the ongoing study of American history from a conservative perspective. He was presented the National Humanities Medal at the White House in 2005 for his scholarly contributions. His philanthropic work specializes in American History and the study of President Abraham Lincoln. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and the Lincoln Forum. In addition to co-authoring Money and the Coming World Order and The Case for Gold, Lehrman's latest book, Lincoln at Peoria: The Turning Point, was published in July 2008. He has written for major news publications such as the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and has lectured widely on American history and economics. Lehrman also writes for the Lincoln Institute which has created award-winning websites on the...
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