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Jesse Russell

2012 Indian anti-corruption movement

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 145
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The 2012 Indian anti-corruption movement is a series of demonstrations and protests across India intended to establish strong legislation and enforcement against endemic political corruption. 2012 Indian anti-corruption movement is the successor of 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement which ended on the last day of Winter session of Rajya Sabha. The Movement is to be started again with the first mass gathering at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 25-March-2012 and Anna Hazare to fast. This fast will witness the starting of 2012 Indian anti-corruption movement. Team Anna and Public of India is again ready to protest against corruption. In this regards thousands of volunteers are working in grassroot. Everybody attached with this movement is expecting the Indian Government to take some strong actions on corruption. The motto of this mass movement is only to create a big pressure among Government to take some strong decision related to demolishing...
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