Величайший враг знания - не заблуждение, а косность.
Г. Бокль

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russell

Tourism in Rome

Книга по Требованию, 2013
Страниц: 126
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Rome today is one of the most important tourist destinations of the world, due to the incalculable immensity of its archaeological and art:) treasures, as well as for the charm of its unique traditions, the beauty of its panoramic views, and the majesty of its magnificent "villas" (parks). Among the most significant resources: plenty of museums - (Capitoline Museums, the Vatican Museums, Galleria Borghese, and a great many others)—aqueducts, fountains, churches, palaces, historical buildings, the monuments and ruins of the Roman Forum, and the Catacombs. Rome is the 3rd most visited city in the EU, after London and Paris, and receives an average of 7-10 million tourists a year, which sometimes doubles on holy years. The Colosseum (4 million tourists) and the Vatican Museums (4.2 million tourists) are the 39th and 37th (respectively) most visited places in the world, according to a recent study. In 2005 the city registered 19.5 million of...
Категории каталога:
Экология; Общий менеджмент

Студенту на заметку:
Двухуровневая система обучения.
Все давно привыкли, что учеба в институте – это 5 лет обучения. Но так ли это и дальше будет продолжаться?

Гигиена школьников
Гигиеническое воспитание ребёнка является обязательной частью его развития и формирования как личности гармоничной и полноценной.