Наука - Обмен неведенья, где лишь одно Незнанье сменяется другим.
Байрон Д.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russel

Environmental impact of ski resorts

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 134
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In many cities and countries in the world skiing is a very popular recreational sport during the winter months. The area in which skiing occurs is known as ski resort. Ski Resorts are prevalent in mountainous regions where snow is plentiful. These populated ski resorts receive a lot of business per season, and with a high amount of activity the impact of waste and pollution can be clearly seen. Ski resorts are found mostly in the Northern Hemisphere, the most famous being in Canada, U.S. and Switzerland. In North America, it is common for towns featuring ski resorts to become a tourist destination. In Europe, contrastingly, “ski stations,” are utilized. These are skiing facilities that are not located near any local towns or villages. The European model causes less environmental impact, due to the fact that there is less likelihood of expansion into a commercial area such as a town or city. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию...
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В "черный список" Банка России попали московский "Идеалбанк" и петербургский "Ганзакомбанк".

ЦБ готов к стрессовому сценарию 0Pпадению экономики и рубля
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