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Jesse Russel

Fuji GX680

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 107
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Fuji GX680 is a single lens reflex system camera for medium format film produced by Fujifilm with interchangeable camera lenses and interchangeable film holders for the unusual film format 6x8cm on 60mm roll film type 120 and 220. One highlight is the mounting of the lens on a lens board running on a rail connecting lens and camera body by a bellows like a view camera. In contrast to related medium-format-cameras of other makers, e.g. Mamiya RB67 and RZ67 and Rolleiflex SL66, the lens board can be shifted right, left, up and down for perspective control, the lens board can also be tilted on horizontal and vertical axis for control of depth of field using the Scheimpflug principle. Therefore the Fuji GX680 has the optical skills of a large format camera, only limited by restricted movability of the lens board, enabling the camera also for architectural photography. The Fuji GX680 has quite large physical dimensions for a...

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