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Jesse Russel

Palestine 194

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 92
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Palestine 194 is the name given to a diplomatic campaign by the Palestinian National Authority to gain membership for the State of Palestine in the United Nations at its 66th Session in September 2011. It seeks to effectively gain collective recognition for a Palestinian state based on the borders prior to the Six Day War, with East Jerusalem as its capital. The initiative developed during a two-year impasse in negotiations with Israel that followed the latter's refusal to freeze its settlement activities in the West Bank. The campaign was reported in the media as early as late 2009, and gained prominence during the leadup to the General Assembly debate in September 2011. President Mahmoud Abbas submitted the application to the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 23 September; the Security Council has yet to vote on it. Данное издание представляет собой компиляцию сведений, находящихся в свободном доступе в среде Интернет в целом, и в...
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