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Jesse Russel

Demographics of Croatia

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 64
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The demographic features of the population of Croatia include statistical data collected through censuses, normally conducted in ten-year intervals and analysed by various statistical bureaus since the 1850s. The Croatian Bureau of Statistics performs this task since the 1990s. The latest census in Croatia was performed in April 2011. The permanent population of Croatia at the 2011 census had reached 4.29 million. Population density equals 75.8 inhabitants per square kilometre, and the overall life expectancy in Croatia at birth is 75.7 years. Since 1991, Croatia's death rate continuously exceeds its birth rate. The population rose steadily from 2.1 million in 1857 until 1991, when it peaked at 4.7 million, with the exception of censuses taken following the two world wars. The natural growth rate of the population is currently negative, with the demographic transition completed in the 1970s. In terms of age structure, the population is...
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Обучение в Германии: студенты для студентов
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