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Jesse Russel

Ghadar Mutiny

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 78
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Ghadar Conspiracy (Hindustani: ???? ??????, ??? ????? Ghadar Sazish) was a conspiracy for a pan-Indian mutiny in the British Indian Army in February 1915 formulated by the Ghadar Party. It was the most prominent plan amongst a number of plots of the much larger Indo-German Conspiracy, formulated between 1914 and 1917 to initiate a Pan-Indian rebellion against the British Raj during World War I. The conspirators included the Indian nationalists in India, United States and Germany, along with help from the Irish republicans and the German Foreign Office. The conspiracy originated on the onset of the World War, between the Ghadar Party in the United States, the Berlin Committee in Germany, the Indian revolutionary underground in India and the German Foreign Office through the consulate in San Francisco. The planned February mutiny was ultimately thwarted when British intelligence infiltrated the Ghadarite movement, arresting key figures....
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