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Jesse Russel

Screen-labeled function keys

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 140
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Screen-labeled function keys are a special case of function keys where keys are placed near a screen, which provides labels for them. These are most commonly found in kiosk applications, such as automated teller machines and gas pumps. These were first developed by Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s. The HP 9830 desktop computer was the first calculator with two rows of 4 keys, over which a paper overlay would be placed. These were later adapted to terminals. Programmers found that the HP 2640 terminals could lock the top two lines of the screen, so they displayed the key functions there. Starting with HP 2647 terminal, the keys were re-arranged to correspond with 2 pairs of 4 labels at the bottom of the screen. These could be programmed by escape sequence or configuration screen. This would be further developed on the failed HP 300 Amigo, which used keys at the right side of the screen and HP 250 business computers which placed them at the...

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Гигиена школьников
Гигиеническое воспитание ребёнка является обязательной частью его развития и формирования как личности гармоничной и полноценной.

Высшее образование в Чехии
Для тех, кто решил получить высшее образование за рубежом, в частности в Чехии, важно знать несколько нюансов. Чешские ВУЗы имеют особую разветвленную инфраструктуру.