Ничему тому, что важно знать, научить нельзя, - все, что может сделать учитель, это указать дорожки.
Олдингтон Р.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Jesse Russel

Heathkit H8

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 86
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Heathkit's H8 was an Intel 8080-based microcomputer sold in kit form starting in 1977. The H8 was similar to the S-100 bus computers of the era, and like those machines was often used with the CP/M operating system on floppy disk. The main difference between the H8 and S-100 machines was the bus; the H8 used a 50-pin bus design that was smaller, more robust and better engineered electrically. The machine also included a bootstrap ROM that made it easier to start up, including code for running basic input/output and allowing input through a front-mounted octal keypad and front panel display instead of the binary switches and lights used on machines like the Altair 8800. The H8 was a successful design but required a separate terminal to be truly useful; Heathkit introduced several terminals as well. A successor model, the "All-in-One" Heathkit H89, combined a Z-80 processor board and a floppy disk drive into the cabinet of an Heathkit H19...
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