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Jesse Russel

Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 84
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) is a state corporation of Pakistan. It was created to set up industries in Pakistan and then resell them to private enterprise. The Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation was established in the early 1952 with IDA credit, developed industrial estates for small- and medium-scale industries, assisting their occupants in obtaining credit, raw materials, technical and managerial assistance, access to production facilities, as well as marketing support. Despite steady overall industrial growth during the 1980s, the Pakistan's industrial sector remains concentrated in cotton processing, textiles, food processing and petroleum refining. The corporation has been headed by famous personalities of Pakistan such as Ghulam Faruque, Nawab Amir Mohammad Khan of Kalabagh, Lt-Gen Iftikhar Ahmed, A M K Mazari, Mukhtar Masood, A R Faridi, Ahmed Hussain A Kazi, Air Marshal Azim Daudpota, A.B.Khan Abdul...
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