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Jesse Russel

Ulysses S. Grant presidential administration scandals

Книга по Требованию, 2012
Страниц: 78
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! An examination of the Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant reveals many scandals and fraudulent activities associated with his administration and a cabinet that was in continual transition divided by the forces of political patronage and reform. President Grant, himself, was influenced by both forces. The standards in many of Grant's cabinet appointments were low and charges of corruption were widespread. Starting with the Black Friday gold speculation ring in 1869, corruption would be discovered during Grant's two presidential terms in seven federal departments, including the Navy, Justice, War, Treasury, Interior, State, and the Post Office. Reform movements initiated in both the Democratic Party and the Liberal Republicans, a faction that split from Republican Party to oppose political patronage and corruption in the Grant Administration. Nepotism was prevalent, with over 40 family members or relatives benefiting from government appointments...
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