Снова и снова страсть к пониманию приводит нас к иллюзии, что человек способен постичь объективный мир рационально, в чистом мышлении, без каких-либо эмпирических оснований, - иначе говоря, метафизически.
Эйнштейн Альберт

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Charlotte Mason

Home Education

Книга по Требованию, 2010
Страниц: 210
Home Education is the first volume of Charlotte Mason's six part homeschooling series, a series that is considered one of the finest ever written on education. It consists of six lectures about raising and educating children encouraging spending much time outdoors, immersed in nature, handling natural objects and collecting experiences on which to base the rest of their education. She concludes with remarks about the Will, the Conscience, and the Divine Life in the Child. Charlotte Mason was a British educator whose ideas were far ahead of her time. She believed that it was better to feed the minds of children with living literature and vital ideas than dry facts and knowledge filtered and predigested by the teacher. Mason's method of education shows it's strength through its widespread use today by private schools and homeschooling families. It is flexible and includes first-hand exposure to ideas through books in art, music, and poetry, nature observation as the primary means of...
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