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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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The Gadamer Dictionary

The Gadamer Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book covers all his major works, ideas and influences and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Gadamer's thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information, analysis and criticism. A-Z entries include clear definitions of all the key terms used in Gadamer's writings and detailed synopses of his key works, including his magnum opus, Truth and Method. The Dictionary also includes entries on Gadamer's major philosophical influences, from Plato to Heidegger, and his contemporaries, including Derrida and Habermas. It covers everything that is essential to a sound understanding of Gadamer's 'philosophical hermeneutics', offering clear and accessible explanations of often complex terminology. The Gadamer Dictionary is the ideal resource for anyone reading or studying Gadamer or Modern European Philosophy more generally.
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ЦСКА встретится с "Тосно" в 19 туре РФПЛ
Встречу в прямом эфире покажут телеканалы "Матч! Футбол 1" и "78". Начало в 19.30 по мск.

ЦСКА - [Динамоk, 8 апреля: кто покажет, где смотреть, онлайн-трансляция
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