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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Gandham Naresh

Development of Viable Fingerprints from Challenging Situations

Страниц: 88
Формат: 152x220
The study of the fingerprints have been using from more than Hundreds of years, the fingerprints is considered as a part of evidence in crime investigation for identifying an individual by the examination and fingerprint matching system.Fingerprints were developed while the forming the surface of the skin of the fingers. The fingerprints were remains same throughout the life span of an individual. The skin of humans consists of two layers called outer and inner layer, the first layer of the skin is called as epidermis which is also called as outer layer and the second layer of the layer of the skin is called as inner skin which is present beneath the epidermis layer. The outer layer will develop or helps in forming the ridges of the skin. The reason behind the remaining of the fingerprints same throughout the life span of an individual is due to presence of the epidermis layer. The crimes are occur in anywhere in any situation, so by changing in the situation the collection the evidence are also varies, The main aim of the project is to discuss about some issues related to the development and recovery of fingerprints in challenging situations.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Как правильно выстроить взаимоотношения с преподавателем
За время обучения, школьник, а затем студент, сталкивается с большим количеством преподавателей, которые имеют разные характеры, психотипы, понимание ценностей.

Как найти няню для ребёнка?
Реалии современности, к сожалению, таковы, что родители ребёнка в большинстве случаев не имеют возможности провести с малышом положенные 3 года дома, занимаясь его воспитанием и обучением необходимым умениям и навыкам.