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Мишель Монтень

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Graham Bird

Introduction to International Macroeconomics. Theory, Policy and Applications

Страниц: 240
This updated edition of Graham Bird's introductory text on international macroeconomics is concerned with monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate issues and policy as they affect individual countries in the global economy, rather than with issues of comparative advantage and international trade. As such, it is something of a hybrid between macroeconomics and international economics. The text acts as a brief and accessible guide to the key issues in international macroeconomics. This new edition is fully updated to reflect recent events exemplifying key themes in the subject. These include: the ups and downs of the US dollar in the 1990s and the US's balance of payment problems, the East Asia crisis of the late 1990s, and the establishment and development of the Euro.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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Почему подростков «всё бесит»?
Если время от времени вы общаетесь с молодыми людьми в возрасте от 10 до 20 лет, вы периодически слышите слова «достало», «бесит», «задолбало» и словечки похлеще.

Переход от няни к гувернантке
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