Главная задача образования - это обеспечение пяти качеств в человеке: любознательности, духа, не признающего поражения, настойчивости в достижении цели, готовности к самоотречению и, прежде всего, сострадания.
К. Хан

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Paramar Sanjaykumar Durgabhai, Parmar Jagdishbhai Ambalal

Volatility and Correlation of Foreign Exchange Market

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Формат: 152x220
In Today's world no single country is self independent, they have to rely on others for different perspectives and these needs generate the international transaction. But all countries don't have same purchasing power, so their currency value against others is different. The need for exchange rate arises whenever a buying and selling or investing and borrowing transaction take place across the globe. Such rate indicates the value of one currency against the other one. Globally, operations in the foreign exchange market started in a major way after the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, which also marked the beginning of floating exchange rate regimes in several countries. Over the years, the foreign exchange market has emerged as the largest market in the world. The decade of the 1990s witnessed a perceptible policy shift in many emerging markets towards reorientation of their financial markets in terms of new products and instruments, development of institutional and market infrastructure and realignment of regulatory structure consistent with the liberalised operational framework.
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Бизнес образование

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Международное образование в Австралии

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