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Iheoma Chukwunonso

Social Spending in Selected West African Countries

Страниц: 68
Формат: 152x220
The fundamental focus of economic development is the development of the human person, and over the years, there has been a common consensus among development economists on the efficacy of social services in achieving this objective. But, as is the case in advanced countries, is social spending capable of ensuring human development in developing countries? This book aims at providing answers to this question using Nigeria, Ghana and Senegal as case studies. The book reviews existing literature on social spending profiles of the sampled countries and analyzes their social expenditure data using the fixed effect partial adjustment model derived from macro econometrics. The book provides empirical evidence that will broaden policymakers' understanding of the subject for effective policy formulation. Students of economics, researchers as well as the general public wishing to widen their knowledge on the contribution of social expenditure towards ensuring human development in developing countries will find this book very resourceful.
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Бизнес образование

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