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Soe Thi Thi

Wind Power Project Development for Rural Electrification in Myanmar

Страниц: 80
Формат: 152x220
This research study started from Feb 2014 to Feb 2015. During one year, research work did at Institute for Energy Transmission and Technological Application, Northwest University, Xi'an, China. According to the research schedule time, the title of "Optimum Model Plan of Wind Power Project Development for Rural Electrification in Myanmar" got implemented step by step. In the first option of research, the wind power density map of Myanmar was developed and the preliminary wind resources assessment of the country has been assessed based on MERRA data. In the second option, the research study intends to find the promising wind resources to develop wind energy project in Myanmar and assess the economic viability of proposed sites. In the last option of research, storage wind diesel hybrid model can be implemented with the specified area, suitable wind turbine, optimum design according to the result of the research options. Thus, the research study can implement to introduce the first instrument to start the development of wind energy projects in Myanmar cooperation with authorities, private investors or banks for further steps.
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