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Hannsman K. John

Micro-Finance Schemes and Conflict Transformation

Страниц: 100
Формат: 152x220
This Book presents the intricacy in using microfinance schemes at the grassroots level in order to bring Conflict Transformation. The research was carried onto the poor of the poor people, the poor people and the poor people in comfort zone. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used during the research and the findings revealed that microfinance schemes lead to conflict transformation among the poor people in comfort zone but leaves lacuna among poor of the poor people as well as the poor. In order to bring Conflict Transformation, the book presents conclusion and recommendations which should be adopted, especialy on criteria used by MFIs while giving MFS. It also calls for the government of the people to be instituted as a drive to Conflict Transformation and the people should work for such government. The book shows that MFS are essential to Conflict Transformation. However,the end is what comes!
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