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Petri Kajander

Government's Role in Early Stage Growth Companies

Страниц: 68
Формат: 152x220
The book focuses on the fundamental question whether governmental actions can increase social utility inthe early stage growth company sector. Previous research has shownthat the current Finnish high tech private sector is heavilyoccupied by government agencies and intervention but the actualresults are very poor and even counterproductive. In the recentscientific research it is often assumed that governmental intervention isnecessary and beneficial to the society.The book uses Austrian economics and morespecifically the Misesian approach, praxeology, as its methodologythat is based on the logical process of deduction from theself-evident axiom of human action. The conclusions from the deductiveprocess are absolutely true and cannot be tested nor verified byempirical evidence-there are no constant variables in humansciences. The book is able to explain the current state andcondition of the high tech growth company sector and its ecosystem.The analysis is an eye-opener for any market participant who isinvolved with current innovation systems today, no matter whetheryou are an academic, entrepreneur, financier or government official.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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