Цель обучения ребенка состоит в том, чтобы сделать его способным развиваться дальше без помощи учителя.
К. Хаббард

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Chala Veronika

The boost of creative economy in metropolises of CEE. case of Ukraine

Страниц: 120
Формат: 152x220
Contemporary global economy has evident metropolitan character. This is where the word's most significant flows of post-industrial factors of production are concentrated, generated, effectively structured, sent from and received back to every day. From the macro point of view metropolises are the connectors between their national economies and global foreland, moreover they are the keys for extended integration into world economy. This is where highly internationalized local market with meaningful purchasing power opens literally unbounded perspectives for the differentiation of products, services and experience supplied. Especially the last two. And that's where modern creative metropolis function takes off, being consequently the reason for continuous international competitiveness and constantly multiplied global flows. Usually it is closely associated with special netocracy class or creative class of workers. This book brings together the questions of mega-economic leadership of urban economies, the connection between their control and creative functions in global economy, as well as effective models for creative industries international specialization and convergence.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
II-ая Интернет-олимпиады школьников по физике
Просьба донести до учащихся Ваших регионов следующую информацию: С 16 по 22 января будет проходить тур 2 Интернет-олимпиады школьников по физике для 11 класса, а с 23 по 28 января - тур 2 для учащихся 7,8,9 и 10 классов.

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