Мы не знаем, долго ли просуществуют земля и небо, но знаем, что всегда 3 и 7 будет 10.
Августин Аврелий

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Iqbal Muhammad Amjed Iqbal

An Economic Analysis Of Potato Production In Okara District

Страниц: 76
Формат: 152x220
Potato is one of the short duration enterprises and is very important with respect to nutrients and carbohydrates.There is dire need for poor farmers to enhance the profitability by encouraging the production of labour intensive crops. Potato can give much profit in short period of time. The study in hand was conducted to analyze the profitability in potato production in Okara because this district is very important for potato production among all districts of Punjab. A total of 100 farmers were interviewed. Cobb Douglas production function was selected to analyze the data. At the end recommendations were suggested for potato growers, extension staff and for policy makers.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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