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Ф. Бэкон

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

Rajendran M. Moses Antony

Cost and Management Accounting Procedures

Страниц: 108
Формат: 152x220
Cost and Management accounting is very important for control the cost and money. It is a tool which is very important for service and non service sectors. Cost accountancy is an essential part of accountancy, which has been developed to meet the managerial needs of business. Starting off as a branch of financial accounting, cost accountancy has developed so fast in the last few decades that it is difficult to give suitable definition, which fully covers its scope. The management accountant is expected to provide timely, accurate information-.including budgets, standard costs, variance analysis, support day-to-day operating decisions, and analyses of expenditures. So, this book will help to the cost and management accountant very usefully. In this book it is mentioned about the introduction about cost and management accounting, cost terminology and classifications, manufacturing overhead cost allocations, job order costing, process costing, joint and by products, master budget, responsibility accounting and income effecting of alternative inventory costing systems. It will help every business concern to learn how to control the cost though the costing techniques.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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История с призывами лидера питерских эсеров Оксаны Дмитриевой "безжалостно смести" путинскую "вертикаль власти", устроить в стране революцию и судить всех "народным судом", по-прежнему оставляет много вопросов. Не ясно хотя бы, почему текст статьи провисел на личном сайте Дмитриевой целый день. Эксперты не исключают, что опровержение и версия со взломом могла появиться либо после указаний из Первопрестольной, либо это изначально было спланированной PR-акцией.

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