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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

James A. S. Watson

Agriculture - The Science And Practice Of British Farming

Страниц: 1030
This text comprises a detailed monogram on the science and practice of British farming, and contains a wealth of information covering every aspect of farming, from ploughing to livestock management. This book was originally written with the object of providing a convenient text for the use of students of agriculture. Complete with timeless information and profusely illustrated, 'Agriculture - The Science And Practice Of British Farming' continues to be a valuable resource for both agricultural students and for farmers, and it makes for a worthy addition to collections of antiquarian literature of this ilk. The chapters of this book include: 'Soil Formation and Natural Soil Types', 'Soil Fertility and Plant Life', 'Land Reclamation and Improvement', 'Manures and Fertilizers', 'Implements and Cultivation', 'Tillage – Weed Control', 'The Cereals', 'The Potato', 'The Root Crops', 'Sugar Beet', 'Pulse Crops and Flax', 'Forage Crops and Soilage', etcetera. We are proud to republish this vintage text here complete with a new introduction on farming.
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Бизнес образование

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