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Kingstone P. Ngwira

The Road to Entrepreneurship. A Sure Way to Become Wealth at INDIVIDUAL, BUSINESS AND STATE LEVELS.

Страниц: 164
Формат: 152x220
This book is so timely to read and is a must-read book for entrepreneurs, corporate managers, and those that are trusted to manage the state. The book presents superior strategies, and if you dedicate yourself to applying them, you will become wealth, and if you make this book part of your life, it will make you rich. I have made these statements with confidence because the book has proven and tested principles.The purpose of this book is exciting each of the three levels that form the economy to look at the role of entrepreneurship as a significant in wealth creation. Thus why entrepreneurs should be perceived as angels of economic growth and this book brings to them the material they need to launch and manage business successfully in the hotly competitive environment of twenty-first century.The field of entrepreneurship is experiencing incredible rates of growth, not only in developing countries but across the world as well. People of all backgrounds, ages, and stations of life are launching businesses of their own and in the process are reshaping the global economy through entrepreneurship at individual, business, and state levels. Entrepreneurs willing to assume the risks of the market to gain its rewards are the heart of capitalism. These men and women with their bold entrepreneurial spirits will lead nations into wealth and prosperity throughout history.Since economy is composed of individual, business (firm) and state level entrepreneurship embraced at all these levels...
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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