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Tim Ekwulugo

To Survive or Closure in the Recessionary Climate. Contractors A-Z Solution, to Construction Cost Recoveries and Cost Control in Practical Terms.

Страниц: 348
Формат: 210x280
The current recession has affected a considerable number of organizations and private individuals,leading to company closures and unemployment.On this note, it is quite obvious that we have to be much better in our respective professions and in the way we manage our organization to stand a good chance of surviving the current downturn. The construction sector appears to have taken a considerable blow in the current recession and is still faced with various cutbacks, which will inevitably lead to further job losses and company closures.In the light of this situation, most organizations are looking for avenues for cutbacks and improved profits, and to achieve this, better staffs are retained at the expense of less efficient staffs, while a considerable number of organizations and companies will face closures.Within the construction sector, the professional staffs from the contractors organization,clients project team,and other related outfits such as real estate development,buy to let development, and small builders all have to operate at near 100% efficiency to stand a good chance of surviving the downturn. This work based on over 25 years of experience in both the construction and professional outfit, have been carefully put together to provide an effective cost control and cost recovery measures which will immensely benefit those involved within the industry.The book has further tried to provide an answer to certain bad practices during the construction period, which tend to...
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